The Kraken - a gaming vacation - Schloss Neuhausen, Germany
A baroque gathering of international gamers and game creators to play and create fine quality games
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KRAKEN Guests on Board!

Hired for their brawn, wits, talents and humor.

Sandy PetersenSANDY PETERSEN is firmly bound to join us again at THE KRAKEN even at private expense - elder oaths and ancient spells permitting. The designer of the 'Call of Cthulhu' RPG, designer of numerous famous and infamous computer games (Doom, Age of Empires), movie buff, board game geek and walking & talking encyclopedia can safely be labeled as one of 'The Great Old Ones' of the gaming hobby. We look forward to his fun games, bad and/or horrific movies of his choice, enlightenment by his arcane knowledge and an all-around good time with Uncle Sandy.

Charlie KrankCHARLIE KRANK, president of Chaosium, Inc., is sad that he can't make it to THE KRAKEN. He had to pull out at the last moment due to a string of unfortunate events that screwed his summer plans. Charlie sez: "I am sad about the barbecue and not seeing everyone there. I was looking forward to Kraken, and now I must, still, look forward to it. I am sorry about this."

Gregory PrivatGRÉGORY PRIVAT is onboard again! We are happy to be able to welcome Monsieur Privat back to THE KRAKEN. His call to serve on a deserted island among the Spawn of the Deep Ones has been rescheduled - much to our relief. He will apply his multitude of creative skills to produce another game on the spot, with the able help of our attendees. As well as presenting and play-testing his awesome latest game creations with you, he will host the collective masterwork miniature game 'Shoggoths Unite!' from the last KRAKEN.

Jeff RichardJEFF RICHARD is the creative force beyond the latest Glorantha marvels from Moon Design Publications. He will share the latest discoveries, insights and mysteries and present new artwork of our beloved fantasy world Glorantha. Besides selling Moon Design products hot from the press, Jeff will run a multiday Mini-FreeForm that spelunks deep into the mythic belly of Glorantha's Hero Wars.

August 29-September 3, 2012