The Kraken - a gaming vacation - Schloss Neuhausen, Germany
A baroque gathering of international gamers and game creators to play and create fine quality games
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Celebrating 50 Years of Glorantha

Sharper Adventures in HeroQuest Glorantha

Host: Robin D. Laws

Learn to harness the flexibility of the HeroQuest rules to build sharper, more rewarding Gloranthan scenarios. In this workshop original system designer Robin D. Laws will give you tips and introduce you to tricks and structures that make your HeroQuest adventures as open and wild as the world of Glorantha itself. This workshop is based on the celebrated first KRAKEN Chapbook Sharper Adventures in HeroQuest Glorantha, the PDF is available here. If you are lucky to own a rare print copy of our Chapbook you can make it even rarer by bringing it for an autograph.

Glorantha Writing Workshop

Host: Jeff Richard

Jeff invites you to collaborate with him on developing a Glorantha setting for future publication. Put on your Glorantha hat, bring all your wacky ideas and a pen. And a beer.


Host: Topi Pitkänen

Get introduced to GloranTarot! We believe that this card deck reveals the workings of the world of Glorantha. The GloranTarot deck is designed to be totally compatible with HeroQuest. It is designed:
  • to replace the D20
  • to represent and juice up Hero Points
  • to be used as a game system of its own (especially for Heroquests)
It is truly fast and simple, yet superbly dynamic and play-tested beyond reasonable doubt.

A selection of GloranTarot cards. The artwork is © Moon Design Publications.

Herb Walk

Host: Anne Merrill

Meet the plants growing all around Schloss Neuhausen. Anne will guide you around THE KRAKEN environs to discover common plants that can be used as food and medicine. You will not only learn how to recognize these plants but how to prep them. Yes, nibbling is allowed.

October 2-5, 2015