THE KRAKEN is a baroque gathering of international gamers, gamemasters and game creators
to play, develop and test fine quality games. Taking place at the Prussian Château Schloss Neuhausen and combining high comfort,
all-inclusive fine food and drinks (naturally including German beer), a picturesque venue and the best in gaming
makes THE KRAKEN a game fest extraordinaire.
THE KRAKEN is up to five days of games and fun spent in autumn at a wonderful Château in former Prussia, Germany. Great cuisine, exquisite drinks, comfortable rooms, stunning gaming events and a marvelous venue make THE KRAKEN an ideal gaming retreat. THE KRAKEN is an international event with time for fantastic games and having a relaxed time with great people. The main language at THE KRAKEN is English. Its auspicious timing places THE KRAKEN on the weekend before Essen SPIEL ¯ making it a natural warm-up event for some of the greatest luminaries in gaming.
THE KRAKEN is the official successor to the Tentacles Convention and honors the tradition of supporting the games and gameworlds of Chaosium, Inc., Moon Design, Petersen Games, Pegasus Spiele, The Design Mechanism, and Éditions Sans Détour but is open to all kinds of quality games and gamers. THE KRAKEN is also heir to the crazy, fun and innovative spirit of Tentacles , envisioned and created by the same team and visited by many of its former attendees and guests. THE KRAKEN is a non-profit event. Yes, even the organizers pay for their stay.